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Collection Life

In order to live, Kelp algae rapidly grow from the bottom of the ocean in search of light - the essential element of life.

That's why we named our first collection - Life.


Collection Life evokes emotions. It shows captured moments from the depth of the ocean on the surface of the tiles.

This collection is designed to create vivid environments by placing tiles of different patterns, tones and textures together

in order to build unique compositions.

Ecolurian's Collection Life plays with impressions of movement through subtle colour gradations.

There is uniqueness in every tile, providing endless options for designers and architects to create interiors with

extraordinary identity.

Collection Life is suitable for large and small areas, from corporative, hospitality, retail to housing applications.

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Uniqueness in every tile.

Size and Scale

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Tiles in Ecolurian's Collection Life are  14 x 14 cm.

The size of the tiles visually creates a playful connection with the observer.

In small interior spaces, the tiles can create a rich composition full of natural tones, patterns and shades.



Large-scaled compositions also gain from the tile size, as the shades and

patterns appear to converge even more dramatically and an even livelier 

picture is created.

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Since the very first tiles rolled out of Ecolurian, Kelp Ocean Algae has been a material of choice for us.

We do not use any artificial paints in order to create our tiles. Every tile is an unrepeatable masterpiece created by Nature.




We take you through some unique tiles from Collection Life, where you can see manifestations of natural ingredients

such as potassium which creates adorable shapes and patterns.

Collection Life

Series S.102.01 - S.149  Laminaria Japonica

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Green Tile (1).png
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Dark Green Tile.png
Black Orange Tile.png
Brown Gold Tile 2.png

Series: S.102.01 - S.118.20

Type:   Kelp Brown Algae


Surface: Smooth

              Matt unglazed
Colour:  Multicolour Dark
              Brownish / Bronze / Gold
Size:      14 x 14 cm 

Series: S.119.01 - S.123.19

Type:   Kelp Green Algae


Surface: Smooth

              Matt unglazed
Colour:  Multicolour Light
              Greenish / Olive / Lime
Size:      14 x 14 cm 

Series: S.129.01 - S.130.22

Type:   Kelp Brown Algae


Surface: Smooth

              Matt unglazed
Colour:  Multicolour Dark
              Brownish / Ochre / Spice
Size:      14 x 14 cm 

Series: S.124.01 - S.128.15

Type:   Kelp Green Algae


Surface: Smooth

              Matt unglazed
Colour:  Multicolour Dark
              Greenish / Avocado / Sacramento
Size:      14 x 14 cm 

Series: S.130.23 - S.139.18

Type:   Kelp Brown Algae


Surface: Smooth

              Matt unglazed
Colour:  Multicolour Light
              Brownish / Sand Dunes / Cinnamon
Size:      14 x 14 cm 

Series: S.140.01 - S.149.16

Type:   Kelp Brown Algae


Surface: Smooth

              Matt unglazed
Colour:  Multicolour Dark
              Brownish / Tawny / Russet
Size:      14 x 14 cm 

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